Categories: Gardening

10 Lucky Plants for Your Home to Bring Abundance and Positive Energy

Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends. A house is not just made of bricks and beams but a home is made of hopes and dreams. Home is not a place…it’s a feeling ❤️ !! So, why not fill it with positivity, good energy, and pleasant vibes. Here are the 10 lucky plants 🌱 to place in your home, so that they can shun away any negativity 🧿, usher in positive energy, abundance, and good vibes.

Holy Basil or Tulsi

In Ayurveda, Tulsi is well renowned for its medical and spiritual powers, which aid in the healing and control of numerous discomforts and disorders. In Hindu philosophy, Holy Basil, also known as Tulsi, has enormous theological and mythological significance 🌿. However, the properties of cleansing, eradication of negative energy, destroying microorganisms, and stimulation of positivity are at the heart of its value. It tops the chart of lucky plants in Indian households.

It is also thought that meditating in front of the plant can inspire passion in humans while simultaneously providing a sense of tranquility when eaten. Worshipping the Tulsi plant leads to a happy married life and brings calm, money, and prosperity to couples. Read more about it here.

Rubber plant

As its rounded leaves resemble coins, the rubber plants symbolize riches and fortune in Feng Shui and thus are deemed lucky plants. These good luck plants are thought to bring abundance when placed in the home. The rubber plant also enhances interior air quality because it is a natural air filter.

Rubber Vastu plants are thought to provide financial prosperity, affluence, and commercial success to the home. You should place the rubber plant in the southeast direction. Read more about it here.

Snake plant

The most resilient plants you can discover are snake plants. These spiky beauties can tolerate just about everything, whether they are inside, outside, or on a balcony. It also radiates a potent protecting energy that protects the inhabitants from harmful Chi. Snake plants have the ability to guard a property while bringing luck, wealth, and great energy.

The plants won’t be able to perform their miracles, though, if you don’t put them in the proper spot. This plant is thought to be a plant of luck when it is placed in the right spot since it removes poisons from the air and absorbs toxic gases from the environment. Read more about it here.

Jade plant

The Jade plant is quite popular as an indoor houseplant, as it requires very little maintenance to survive and flourish. Additionally, the plant is very significant in Feng Shui and is known as one of the lucky plants. This evergreen succulent is viewed as a sign of fortune, luck, and wealth. The ideal position to place a Jade is in the home’s southeast corner or the Jade plants can be kept in the east corner or east direction. You can find more details about the Jade plant in this post.

A succulent plant with tiny pink or white blooms is distinguished by its thick, fleshy, shiny, smooth leaves that develop in opposite pairs. Dark jade green in the shade to scarlet on the edges when exposed to direct or full sunshine, are the colors of the leaves. With time, their branches become thicker. It is often referred to as the “money tree,” “lucky plant,” or “fortune plant.” It is well recognized for attracting riches and good energy.


Eucalyptus is counted as one of the lucky plants, its oil and leaves have therapeutic qualities. Positivity will increase in the house if you keep this plant there. Eucalyptus is an ingredient in antiseptics, dental products, cough, and cold remedies, and is also used topically to treat fevers.

In rural places, it is used to clean homes. In addition to collecting carbon dioxide, it aids in pollution control. Its calming aroma refreshes the spirit, lifts the mood, and cures fatigue. It’s the perfect aroma for taking a relaxing bath, relaxing at home, or engaging in meditation. Eucalyptus essential oil might be helpful at night to encourage sound sleep.


According to Feng Shui, lavender protects against negative energy while also attracting luck. The plant’s attractive shade of purple represents prosperity and wealth. It ahs its own place in the list of lucky plants.

For good luck, place lavender near the door. When you do that, a little piece of luck will waft up and chase away any potential bad luck that might try to follow. In addition to its wonderful scent, lavender is well renowned for its ability to calm nerves, quiet the mind, promote restful sleep, and act as a disinfectant in cleaning goods. And, needless to mention that it smells heavenly!

Peace Lily

The peace lily is recognized as a lucky plant. It is capable of eliminating all kinds of environmental toxins. It is perfect for homes and offices since it provides lovely greenery and fresh air, and because it requires little upkeep while yet being incredibly attractive. You can read more about it here.

Because it is said that the Peace Lily’s leaves resemble two hands joined together, signifying an openness of spirit, the plant is considered lucky. Some people think that the Peace Lily will ward off evil spirits. The plant is helpful for emotional health since it draws positive energy. Placement: The bedroom is the finest location for the peace lily plant to foster tranquility, though you can put it in any place you like.

Lucky bamboo

As the name says, it is one of the most renowned lucky plants. Lucky bamboo is said to bring luck and wealth to the region where it is planted. When positioned correctly, it is also believed to improve the flow of positive energy in the home and workplace. The ideal location for the fortunate bamboo plant in the room is the east corner. To draw riches and fortune into your home, you can place a bamboo plant in the southeast corner as well. Read more about it here.

Due to its tolerance for mild shade and indirect sunshine, lucky bamboo is a fantastic indoor plant. However, intense light will cause your bamboo to expand in size. This doesn’t imply that you should place your plant in full sunlight, but it does imply that maintaining it in a bright setting can lengthen its life. Although lucky bamboo can grow in water, it should be planted in soil once it has strong roots for the greatest results. The Lucky Bamboo is a Feng Shui symbol also referred to as a Dragon Tree or Ribbon Plant.

Money Plant (Golden Pothos)

According to Feng Shui, the money plant, in addition to providing good luck and money, also balances human existence with the environment. It’s clustered smooth and circular golden leaves (representing cash) imply good fortune!

Now, coming to the part where we talk about how it improves the living conditions inside a home, well the money plants give value to a healthy lifestyle by eliminating airborne contaminants such as benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and xylene from indoor air. The air in the room with the money plant has more oxygen, which aids in easy breathing.

Ficus ginseng

Ficus Ginseng is an excellent houseplant for beginners. It’s not the most difficult plant to care for, but it’s still a lovely and unusual plant that can help to clean the air, reduce stress, improve our sleep, and increase productivity.

The Ficus Ginseng is considered to provide good luck and harmony to people who own one, and it is said to bring twice the luck when given as a gift. Ginseng Ficus plants are small bonsai trees with aerial roots and oval-shaped leaves that form a rich green canopy.

Ficus ginseng plants can make excellent starting bonsai trees. They can even alleviate the symptoms of allergies such as asthma. Ficus ginseng is a slow-growing plant that requires a lot of light to thrive. Placing the plant on a windowsill is a good alternative as long as it gets plenty of indirect light. The optimal location will be in a morning-lit window. The plant may be damaged by afternoon sunshine.


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