We all know about the most commonly talked about food items that are advised to be avoided during pregnancy but then there are the ones that are not much talked about and this post covers the same.
Raw Sprouts
We are all aware of the nutritional value of raw sprouts. Raw sprouts are delightful munchies and are packed with nutrients. but they also carry dangerous bacteria that can impair a pregnant woman’s health. And because of the potential health risks that raw sprouts present, pregnant women should not ingest them. So, once you step into the beautiful journey, raw sprouts are one thing you must avoid during Pregnancy, you must avoid In case, you plan to dine out then you must ensure that you are asking the waiter/receptionist to make a note that they shall not be serving dishes with raw sprouts on your table.
Herbal Supplements and Herbal Tea
As soon as you disclose the good news to your loved ones, people may suggest that you start taking herbal tonics and teas to ensure a healthy pregnancy, but these may cause more harm to you than good. Some herbs can even increase your risk of preterm labor or miscarriage when taken in large amounts. Herbal supplements should only be taken after consulting your doctor.

Dry sesame seeds
Dry sesame seeds were earlier used as a medicine for causing abortion. Sesame seeds stimulate the uterine muscle thus causing an expulsion of the fertilized ovum. It is advisable to avoid it during the first three to four crucial months of pregnancy.

Fennel and Fenugreek Seeds
Fennel and Fenugreek seeds contain high measures of phytoestrogens, which fortifies the compression of the uterine. So, it’s a big NO-NO ! These seeds help in purifying the uterus, boost milk production, and furthermore have the potential to stimulate menstruation. So, please don’t consume fennel/fenugreek seeds during your golden 9 months.

Papaya is said to stimulate an abortion and could be very dangerous to consume during pregnancy. Raw and unripe papaya contains a substance called latex, which causes uterine contractions. Papain and pepsin contents in papaya restrict fetal growth. It is advised by nutritionists and experts to strictly avoid unripe papaya during pregnancy.

AJI-NO-MOTO, a popular spice, and flavor enhancer made from MSG (monosodium glutamate), is the purest form of umami, the fifth taste distinct from sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. AJI-NO-MOTO is extensively used to increase and intensify the flavor quotient of street food and is now widely used as an ingredient in households too. It can majorly affect the development of the brain in the fetus. So the wise option is to limit the consumption of street food during your pleasing pregnancy journey, after all, you have an entire life to immerse in that affair
Pineapple contains a compound called bromelain, which can cause softening of the cervix leading to unsuccessful labor or miscarriage. It is believed that pineapple can get your body heated up rapidly which can cause abortion or premature birth.

Added Salt
Salt causes our body to retain water. Too much salt can cause the blood pressure to rise, increasing the risk for preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and swelling due to fluid retention. Preeclampsia can result in preterm delivery and health complications like low birth weight and respiratory issues.
Caffeine may cause the blood vessels in your uterus to constrict, which lowers the blood supply to the fetus and inhibits fetal growth. It is not like you can’t take caffeine at all, but the key is to regulate the quantity depending on your pregnancy calendar and overall health statistics. You must know that black tea, chamomile tea, and green teas also contain some caffeine.
Oh come on now, this one shouldn’t come as a surprise. We all know that drinking alcohol affects fetal development and has lifelong consequences, including behavioral, physical, and learning problems. Even the smallest quantities can have big impacts. There is no safe level of consumption. Once pregnant, you must avoid all beer, wine, and all other hard liquors during pregnancy.
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