Categories: Gardening

New to Home Gardening : Here are 10 really useful tips for the beginners

Are you new to the world of gardening and worried about how to keep your boat afloat? Well, worry no more! This post is going to help you keep your sails filled and unfurled.

Below are some tips that you need to keep in mind while going to try your hands at this new hobby of yours 😊

First plan it out

You need to decide what type of home garden you fancy. Is it going to be flowers, is it going to be air-purifying plants or do you want to try your hands at home-grown vegetables? A lot of factors will play an important role in the achievability of your plan, but a few of the most basic ones are the soil, the temperature, availability & size of the space, sunlight, humidity, and your willpower ❤️

Know your plant

Decide on which plant you want to grow in your home garden and do a little research on the demands that plant has. These things go in a loop, one impacts the other. It is like if a plant needs a warm temperature and you live in a colder place, you will have no choice but to ditch that plant and find out another one that can thrive in your geography. Once you have finalized the plants then only you can move on to prepare its pot/garden bed. Right research is very important for setting up a lovely home garden. You can read about some beginner-friendly plants here. 🌱

Know your Soil mix requirements for home gardening

Now that you know which plants you can go for based on your geography and garden size & space, get to know your soil. Each plant has different soil mix requirements, some will need the usual garden soil whereas others might need a sand mix. Then the percentage of different components in the soil mix will yield different results, so know your plant, know its soil mix requirement, and see what you already have and what you need to procure. Way to go dear gardener ❤️

Role of Sunlight & humidity

Yes, these two can’t be ignored at any cost. Sunlight is the source from where plants receive their energy and grow and each plant has different sunlight requirements. Some do well in full sunlight, whereas some might need only indirect sunlight and some could be shy of light and will do much better in shades and indoors.

Source your plants

A nursery is a cost-effective way to get your plants from. They don’t just have a huge variety, they can give you any advice as well if you are seeking any, related to plant care. If you don’t have a nursery nearby then you can order your plants online. Make sure you are investing your efforts in planting healthy plants only, if you see a plant is having rotting leaves/roots then there are high chances that it will make you witness a teary ending. Don’t allow your love story to end before it even sees the full bloom phase.

Size of the pot

Pot size plays an important role while planting seeds/saplings. If you put your tiny sapling in a huge pot, it might just get too much water or might lose on getting the right proportion of compost. Similarly, if you are getting a grown plant from the nursery and you are keeping it in a smaller pot, it won’t grow any further and might even begin to rot/turn pale/brown as its root won’t be getting enough space to flourish. So, choose a pot size as per your plant size.

Choose the right spot for your home garden

Ensure that the garden space you choose receives sufficient sunlight. Avoid a space that receives strong winds, as winds could knock over your young and budding plants. It shouldn’t have too much sunlight as well, 5-6 hours of sunlight in a day is sufficient. If you are going for outdoor gardening, ensure proper drainage, and availability of water source nearby and it should be away from pets but closer to your sight, keep a watch on your love affair ❤️

Water your plants wisely

The purpose of watering your plants is to provide them with enough water to survive, but overwatering can cause waterlogging, which can harm your plants. Watering your plants gently allows the water to penetrate deep into the soil. Ideally, the soil should get moist 3-4 inches below the surface. In the summer heat, plants require more water.

Get to know about types of the fertilizers

“The fertilizer is the gardener’s best friend.” Undoubtedly, it is ! But you can’t afford to go for blindfolded fertilizer addition, because putting in the wrong kind of fertilizer at the wrong time will do more harm than any good.  Remember, a little research goes a long way.

You can begin with compost, which is organic material that can be added to your garden to aid in the mighty growth of your plants. This can be anything from tea bags to ground coffee to grass trimmings to crushed fruit peels. Adding these organic fertilizers to your soil will help it retain moisture, promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms, and battle pests and illnesses. It will also assist you in lowering your carbon footprint.

Research on benefits of gardening by research gate

10 Mental Health Benefits of Gardening

Gardening is beneficial for health: A meta-analysis

🌷🌼 Happy gardening lovely souls ! 🌻🌺


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