The words can't express the happiness one feels when they are blessed with the gift of life, a newborn baby. Yes!

At that moment, we wish time would halt, the world would freeze, and the joy would last forever!!

Here are ideas for 10 pictures that you should click with your newborn to ensure that those moments become everlasting !

Twirl his/her tiny toes around your fingers️.

The Fist Bump !!

This fist will remind you of the unsaid promise that you made at the very moment you saw your baby.

You will be there for your baby, forever !!

Together forever!!

Right from this moment to the forever.. I promise  that I am going to be there for you !

The Fingers Heart !!

Love at first sight !! Capture this and you can keep telling your baby forever how you fell in love with them you first saw them.

You + Me = Ours !!

Hold the tiny feet as you have held each other till date, with your rings as the token of a promise of forever. a new 'you' is reborn !!

The Little Wonder !!

These tiny yet lovely details will keep you hooked forever !!

Time flies!!

Today you are so tiny and in no time you will grow as big as me, or you may even outgrow me.. but this moment shall remain itched in my heart, forever !!

You are in safe hands little angel !!

Mommy, Daddy and the Baby.. this is our new world. Together today, tomorrow and forever !!

The Pinky Promise !!

A promise to hold you the closest to my heart, even when these tiny fingers will grow as big as mine.

You can count on me !!

I will be there for you, forever !!